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The QtiPlot Handbook
PrevAppendix A. InstallationNext

Compilation and Installation from sources


If you want to build QtiPlot from sources, you need the following libraries:
Qt (>= 4.5.0)

QtiPlot only works with the 4.5.x versions of the Qt library.


You must use the slightly modified version of the Qwt 5.2 library shipped with QtiPlot in the "3rdparty/qwt" folder.


A modified version of the QwtPlot3D library is used to create the 3D plots. It is included in QtiPlot ("3rdparty/qwtplot3d" folder), so you don't need to install it separately.


The version of the muParser library used by QtiPlot is 1.32.


The last version of liborigin2 allows to read OriginLab 7.5 project files. It is included in QtiPlot ("3rdparty/liborigin" folder), so you don't need to download and install it.

BOOST C++ libraries

liborigin depends on the BOOST C++ libraries (>= 1.33.0), so you need to download and install them separately.


In order to build QtiPlot you also need the GSL library.


For the compression of project files QtiPlot also uses the zlib library.


For the export of 3D plots QtiPlot also uses the libpng library.


For the import/export of Excel .xls files QtiPlot also uses the ExcelFormat library.


For the import of ODF spreadsheet .ods files QtiPlot uses the QuaZIP library.

Finally, if you want Python scripting support, you will also need to download and install: Python 2.x, SIP, and PyQt v4. All three of them are included in many Linux distributions.

Linux and Mac OS X

Download the qtiplot archive (.tar.bz2 or .zip file) and decompress it. Then open a terminal (console) window and go to the main folder of the decompressed archive (which should be named qtiplot- Create a build.conf file. You can use the provided example for this:

cp build.conf.example build.conf

You must make sure that QtiPlot is able to find the third party libraries it depends on. For this you have to edit the build.conf file. Once this is done, go back to the main directory qtiplot- and type:

qmake qtiplot.pro

to install QtiPlot, you must login as root and type:

make install

You can then logout from root and launch the application:



If you want to compile the application from sources you need to download and install the the MinGWcompiler, the only one supported by the Qt Open Source edition on Windows. Then you must proceed exactly as on Linux/Mac OS X systems, following the above indications.

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